Express the compliment based on the following situations and supply its respose! Number one is done for you as the example.

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1. Your brother won the English speech competition.
You : Fantastic! You’ve done your performance
Your brother : Thank you. I’m very happy too.
2. Your friend become a champion in her class.
You :
Your friend :
3. Your sister has served delicious food for dinner.
You :
Your sister :
4. You have passed all the tests excellently.
Your friend :
You :
5. Your friend will get married next month.
You :
Your friend :
6. Your friend can do the interview test successfuly.
You :
Your friend :

yok yang pintar b.inggris tolong dibantu ya:)​

Express the compliment based on the following situations and supply its respose! Number one is done for you as the example.


2. Congrats on being the champion this year!

Thank you! I'm feeling so excited right now

Wow, this food is delicious!

Really? Thank you! I was sweating with nervousness.

4. Yo! I just heard you excelled everything this time, that's so cool!

Thanks! I never expected it either.

5.Congratulations! You're getting married next month, huh? I'm the only one left now…

Thanks, dude! I'm not trying to sound arrogant, but I'm marrying the best person on earth.

6. I saw your name on the acceptance board, congratulations!

Really! i didn't even have the guts to look at it, thank you so much, you're the best!