Change these active voice sentence into passive

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1.they make soap in that factory
2. I watered the plants yesterday father chops wood in the backyard
4.billy made that snowman
5.we will finish the project next week
6.they are going to harvest the vegetables

Change these active voice sentence into passive

The soap is made by them in that factory
The plants were watered by me yesterday
The Wood in the backyard is chopped by my father
That snowman was made by Billy
The project will be finished by us in next week
The vegetables are being harvested by them

1.soap is made in that factory by them
2.plants were watered yesterday (by me)
3.wood is choped by my father in the backyard
4.that snowman was made by billy
5.the project will be finished by us next week
6.the vegetables are going to be harvested by them

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