Indra : The box you brought looks very heavy. ______

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Ardi : Sure. It’s very kind of you. Thanks.
5. What is the appropriate expression to complete the dialogue above?
A. Would you like me to help you?
B. Would I like to help me?
C. Would you like to help me?
D. Would you like to bring it for me?
E. Would you help me, now​

Indra : The box you brought looks very heavy. ______


A. Would you like me to help you?


Disini indra melihat Ardi membawa box yang terlihat berat. Indra pun menawarkan bantuan dengan mengatakan "Apakah kamu ingin saya membantumu?" atau dlm bhs inggris "Would you like me to help you?"

Jawaban: the answer ok


make me brainlest answer ok darling