Give your opinion about them and give your reason

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1.) We mustn't show our attention to others because it is their own business.

2.) Expressing our admiration can make other people appreciate us.

3.) You can express admiration, only to your close friend or family.

4.) Always asking repetition is polite.

5.) Manual is very useful for us in everyday life because they make us know how to make or do something.

bantu jawab yaaa:)

Give your opinion about them and give your reason

1. I think this is wrong. We do show attention to other, but to some extent. We do not need to be nosy under the reason of caring.

2. Yes, I think this is true. People will see that we are passionate about something, and how much liking we send towards this thing. Therefore, people will appreciate us for being honest about our passion.

3. No, I don't think expressing admiration is limited only to friends and family. I think admiration should go publicly, so your opinions stands out and be more than others. Admiration are one of the few things that we do not keep to ourselves.

4. Asking is polite. But repetitively asking is not. Asking something in a repetitive pattern will just make you look stupid in people's eyes. Besides, with repetitively asking, you will interrupt the speaker's speech or disturb them. So no, it is not impolite to ask repetitively.

5. Not everything has to come with a manual. Especially in everyday lives. Because in everday lives, you find some things that you truly have to think to make it work. Not just read from a manual.