. Read each of the following paragraphs, and write what the bold-italicized references refer to. (20 points) 1. Indonesia is set to begin the first phase of migration to digital broadcasts next week after many delays, with the government expecting to complete the whole process by November 2. The transition to digital television will begin on April 30 covering 166 districts and cities, a senior official with the Communication and Information Technology Ministry said on Friday. “The government is encouraging people to immediately leave analog television and switch to digital television for seamless, clearer, and more sophisticated broadcasts,” Usman Kansong, the ministry’s director-general of information and public communication, said during an event called Analog Switch Off in the North Sumatra capital of Medan. – Begin refer to : – Whole process refer to : – People refer to : 2. Three people were killed and at least 11 others were injured when “several active shooters” opened fire at a crowded intersection in Philadelphia’s South Street entertainment district late Saturday night — one of a string of mass shootings that erupted across the country over the weekend, officials said. The Philadelphia shooting was one of at least five across the nation involving four or more victims in a violent 27-hour span, including one that left three people dead and 11 injured in Chattanooga, Tennessee, another in which three people were killed at a graduation party in Socorro, Texas, and yet another that left a 14-year-old girl dead and eight people injured at a strip mall in Phoenix, Arizona, according to the Gun Violence Archive, a website that tracks shootings across the nation. – People refer to : – Others refer to : – Late Saturday night refer to : – Socorro refer to : – Another refer to : 3. It is the Fourth of July and the local park hums with the buzz of adults and children playing with sparklers, whose tales burn a bright red. Kids wave them in circles, figure eights spinning round and round against the night sky. My sister, who is not related to me by blood, carries me on her hip. My body bounces up and down against bone. She has the lithe body of a runner. When we vacation in New Hampshire in the summer, Sue will run the circumference of Beaver Lake returning to the cabin drenched in sweat. – Them refer to : – Me refer to : – Her refers to : – She refers to : 4. The third long-duration astronaut team launched by SpaceX to the International Space Station (ISS) has safely returned to Earth, splashing down in the Gulf of Mexico off Florida to end months of orbital research ranging from space-grown chillies to robots. The SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule carrying three American NASA astronauts and a European Space Agency (ESA) crewmate from Germany parachuted into calm seas in darkness at the conclusion of a 23-hour-plus autonomous flight home from the ISS. The splashdown, at about 12:45am local time (04:45 GMT) on Friday, was carried live by a joint NASA- SpaceX webcast. – The third long-duration refers to : – the Gulf of Mexico off Florida refer to : – Earth refers to :​

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. Read each of the following paragraphs, and write what the bold-italicized references refer to. (20 points) 1. Indonesia is set to begin the first phase of migration to digital broadcasts next week after many delays, with the government expecting to complete the whole process by November 2. The transition to digital television will begin on April 30 covering 166 districts and cities, a senior official with the Communication and Information Technology Ministry said on Friday. “The government is encouraging people to immediately leave analog television and switch to digital television for seamless, clearer, and more sophisticated broadcasts,” Usman Kansong, the ministry’s director-general of information and public communication, said during an event called Analog Switch Off in the North Sumatra capital of Medan. – Begin refer to : – Whole process refer to : – People refer to : 2. Three people were killed and at least 11 others were injured when “several active shooters” opened fire at a crowded intersection in Philadelphia’s South Street entertainment district late Saturday night — one of a string of mass shootings that erupted across the country over the weekend, officials said. The Philadelphia shooting was one of at least five across the nation involving four or more victims in a violent 27-hour span, including one that left three people dead and 11 injured in Chattanooga, Tennessee, another in which three people were killed at a graduation party in Socorro, Texas, and yet another that left a 14-year-old girl dead and eight people injured at a strip mall in Phoenix, Arizona, according to the Gun Violence Archive, a website that tracks shootings across the nation. – People refer to : – Others refer to : – Late Saturday night refer to : – Socorro refer to : – Another refer to : 3. It is the Fourth of July and the local park hums with the buzz of adults and children playing with sparklers, whose tales burn a bright red. Kids wave them in circles, figure eights spinning round and round against the night sky. My sister, who is not related to me by blood, carries me on her hip. My body bounces up and down against bone. She has the lithe body of a runner. When we vacation in New Hampshire in the summer, Sue will run the circumference of Beaver Lake returning to the cabin drenched in sweat. – Them refer to : – Me refer to : – Her refers to : – She refers to : 4. The third long-duration astronaut team launched by SpaceX to the International Space Station (ISS) has safely returned to Earth, splashing down in the Gulf of Mexico off Florida to end months of orbital research ranging from space-grown chillies to robots. The SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule carrying three American NASA astronauts and a European Space Agency (ESA) crewmate from Germany parachuted into calm seas in darkness at the conclusion of a 23-hour-plus autonomous flight home from the ISS. The splashdown, at about 12:45am local time (04:45 GMT) on Friday, was carried live by a joint NASA- SpaceX webcast. – The third long-duration refers to : – the Gulf of Mexico off Florida refer to : – Earth refers to :​

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Based on the text 1, we can conclude that:

  • Begin refer to : the first phase of migration to digital broadcasts.
  • Whole process refer to : the first phase of migration to digital broadcasts.
  • People refer to : television’s viewer.

Based on the text 2, we can conclude that:

  • People refer to : killed people.
  • Others refer to : injured people.
  • Late Saturday night refer to : in the middle of the night.
  • Socorro refer to : the other location of people killed.
  • Another refer to : mass shootings.

Based on the text 3, we can conclude that:

  • Them refer to : sparklers.
  • Me refer to : the writer.
  • Her refers to : the writer’s sister.
  • She refers to : the writer’s sister.

Based on the text 4, we can conclude that:

  • The third long-duration refers to : astronaut team by SpaceX.
  • the Gulf of Mexico off Florida refer to : the location of the third long-duration astronaut team launched by SpaceX splashing down.
  • Earth refers to : a planet where human live.


1. Indonesia akan memulai fase pertama migrasi ke siaran digital minggu depan setelah banyak penundaan, dengan pemerintah mengharapkan untuk menyelesaikan seluruh proses pada 2 November. Transisi ke televisi digital akan dimulai pada 30 April yang mencakup 166 kabupaten dan kota, kata seorang pejabat senior di Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, Jumat. “Pemerintah mendorong masyarakat untuk segera meninggalkan televisi analog dan beralih ke televisi digital untuk siaran yang lebih lancar, lebih jelas, dan lebih canggih,” kata Usman Kansong, Direktur Jenderal Informasi dan Komunikasi Publik Kemenkominfo, dalam acara Analog Switch Off di ibukota Sumatera Utara Medan.

2. Tiga orang tewas dan sedikitnya 11 lainnya terluka ketika "beberapa penembak aktif" melepaskan tembakan di persimpangan yang ramai di distrik hiburan South Street Philadelphia pada Sabtu malam — salah satu dari serangkaian penembakan massal yang meletus di seluruh negeri di atas akhir pekan, kata para pejabat. Penembakan di Philadelphia adalah salah satu dari sedikitnya lima di seluruh negara yang melibatkan empat atau lebih korban dalam rentang waktu 27 jam, termasuk satu yang menyebabkan tiga orang tewas dan 11 terluka di Chattanooga, Tennessee, yang lain di mana tiga orang tewas saat wisuda. pesta di Socorro, Texas, dan satu lagi yang menyebabkan seorang gadis berusia 14 tahun tewas dan delapan orang terluka di sebuah mal di Phoenix, Arizona, menurut Arsip Kekerasan Senjata, sebuah situs web yang melacak penembakan di seluruh negeri.

3. Saat itu Tanggal Empat Juli dan taman lokal bersenandung dengan dengungan orang dewasa dan anak-anak yang bermain kembang api, yang ceritanya menyala merah terang. Anak-anak melambaikannya dalam lingkaran, angka delapan berputar-putar melawan langit malam. Adikku, yang tidak memiliki hubungan darah denganku, menggendongku di pinggulnya. Tubuhku memantul ke atas dan ke bawah melawan tulang. Dia memiliki tubuh yang lentur seperti seorang pelari. Saat kita berlibur di New Hampshire di musim panas, Sue akan berlari mengelilingi Danau Beaver kembali ke kabin yang basah kuyup oleh keringat.

4. Tim astronot berdurasi panjang ketiga yang diluncurkan oleh SpaceX ke Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional (ISS) telah kembali dengan selamat ke Bumi, mendarat di Teluk Meksiko di lepas pantai Florida untuk mengakhiri penelitian orbit selama berbulan-bulan mulai dari cabai yang ditanam di luar angkasa hingga robot. Kapsul SpaceX Crew Dragon yang membawa tiga astronot NASA Amerika dan awak Badan Antariksa Eropa (ESA) dari Jerman diterjunkan ke laut yang tenang dalam kegelapan pada akhir penerbangan pulang otonom selama 23 jam lebih dari ISS. Splashdown, sekitar pukul 12:45 waktu setempat (04:45 GMT) pada hari Jumat, disiarkan langsung oleh webcast NASA-SpaceX bersama.

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