A. Adverbs Dalam kalimat dibawah ini terdapat adverb. Jika adverb tersebut salah, silahkan dicoret. Jika sudah benar, maka biarkan adverb tersebut. Nomer 1 adalah contoh. 1. Could I have a quickly word with you? 2. She walked away quickly. 3. This is a slowly train-it stops everywhere. 4. He talked very interestingly about his work. 5. You’ve cooked the meat beautifully. 6. I’ve got an easily job for you. 7. I sing very badly. 8. I feel happily today. 9. You seem very angrily. 10. Anne’s a strongly swimmer. 11. Could you talk more quietly, please?
1. Salah
2. Benar
3. Salah
4. Benar
5. Benar
6. Salah
7. Salah
8. Salah
9. Salah
10. Salah
11. Benar