A….. catches the fist over the ocean​

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A….. catches the fist over the ocean​


Oslo. Fishing fleets dump about 10 percent of the fish they catch back into the ocean in an "enormous waste" of low-value fish despite some progress in limiting discards in recent years, scientists said on Monday (26/06).

A decade-long study, the first global review since 2005 and based on work by 300 experts, said the rate of discards was still high despite a decline from a peak in the late 1980s. Discarded fish are usually dead or dying.

Almost 10 million tons of about 100 million tons of fish caught annually in the past decade were thrown back into the sea, according to the "Sea Around Us" review by the University of British Columbia and the University of Western Australia.


A fisherman catches the fish all over the ocean.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Profession (profesi / pekerjaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Seorang nelayan menangkap ikan di seluruh lautan.

A fisherman = seorang nelayan

Semoga membantu ya.