1. (+) She is happy.
2. (+) We work hard every day.
3. (+) I have my dinner at 7 p.m.
4. (+) You are a student.
5. (+) He washes his car every weekend.
B. Complete the sentences using simple present tense.
1. They . . . study every night.
2. We . . . children.
3. . . . you go to school by bus?
4. . . . she like apples?
5. I . . . not sad.
bantu jawab dong
Tata Bahasa Inggris: Present Continuous Tense
Saat kita membicarakan hal-hal yang terjadi sekarang – pada saat ini – kita bisa menggunakan bentuk Present Continuous.
Bagaimana membentuk present Continuous tense
Ada tiga bagian dalam bentuk ini:
1. Kata ganti subjek / subjek
2. Kata kerja "menjadi"
3. Kata kerja + ing
Gunakan kata kerja “menjadi” sebagai pembantu untuk pertanyaan dan negatif ( TIDAK melakukan / melakukan).
Berikut adalah cara Anda dapat membentuk pertanyaan afirmatif, negatif dan dalam Present Continuous:
Kalimat afirmatif
Saya bekerja ing
Anda bekerja ing
Dia / Dia / Hal ini bekerja ing
Kami bekerja ing
Mereka bekerja ing
Bentuk yang disingkat:
Saya bekerja
Kau bekerja
He kerja / Dia ini / Ini bekerja
Kami bekerja
mereka kerja
Kalimat negatif
Saya tidak / Saya tidak bekerja
Anda tidak / Anda tidak bekerja
Dia / Dia / Tidak / Dia / Dia / Tidak bekerja
Kami tidak / Kami tidak bekerja
Mereka tidak / Mereka tidak tidak bekerja
Apakah saya bekerja
Apakah kamu bekerja
Apakah dia / Apakah dia / Apakah itu berhasil?
Apakah kita sedang bekerja?
Apakah mereka bekerja?
Balasan singkat
Gunakan kata kerja "to be" sebagai auxiliary
Ya saya / Tidak Saya tidak
Ya Anda / Tidak Anda tidak
Ya dia / Tidak dia tidak
Ya kami / Tidak kami tidak
Ya mereka / Tidak mereka tidak
Aturan pengejaan
Ketika kata kerja diakhiri dengan satu vokal dan konsonan, gandakan konsonan sebelum menambahkan -ing:
rub = rubbing
bid = bidding
dig = digging
label = labeling (walaupun dalam bahasa Inggris Amerika Anda tidak menggandakan 'l' = labeling)
spam = spamming
run = lari
tap = tap
sit = duduk
Saat kata kerja diakhiri dengan -e, hapus -e dan add -ing:
make = making
write = writing
Tetapi jika kata kerja berakhiran -ee, jangan hapus -e:
setuju = setuju
Beberapa kata kerja yang diakhiri -ie change to -y + ing
die = died
tie = tying
lie = lie
Kapan menggunakan bentuk Present Continuous
Gunakan bentuk ini untuk:
– bicarakan hal-hal yang terjadi sekarang / sekitar sekarang
Sebagai contoh:
“The people next door are shouting.” (At this precise moment)
“Shhh. Tony’s talking on the phone.” (At this precise moment)
“Tom’s working at the supermarket this summer.” (Around now)
“Our football team is doing really well this season.” (Around now)
These things are temporary, rather than permanent. For example, Tom is working at the supermarket only for a few months this summer. It’s probably not his permanent job.
– talk about trends and developments
For example:
“It’s getting more expensive to go to university.”
“People are living longer.”
Differences between the Present Continuous and the Present Simple
Remember: in English grammar we use the simple aspect (ie the Present Simple or Past Simple) for situations that are always true, and for routines or permanent situations. We use the continuous aspect (ie the Present Continuous or Past Continuous) for situations that are temporary, or changing.
I live in France. (Present Simple: it is my permanent home)
I’m staying in a small hotel during the conference. (Present Continuous: it is a temporary place to stay for a limited period of time)
People live a long time in Japan. (Present Simple: a true situation / fact.)
People are living longer. ((Present Continuous: a trend that is happening now.)
When you see words and phrases such as at the moment, this week; use the present continuous. When you see words and phrases such as always, never, from time to time; use the present simple tense.
“We’re working on a difficult project at the moment.”
“He’s doing some health and safety training this week.”
“He always eats fish and chips on Fridays.”
“They never watch TV after dinner.”
“She goes to London on business trips from time to time.”
Present Continuous Tense Exercise
Choose the correct answer.
1. Where __ ?
are you go
are you going
do you go
2. __ with his parents still?
He is living
Is he live
Is he living
3. __ hard for the exams.
I studying
I'm study
I'm studying
4. __ for an expensive holiday.
They saving
They're save
They're saving
5. __ my new book?
Does she reading
Is she read
Is she reading
6. Yes, __
she does
she is
she reads
7. __ for the conference?
Are they preparing
Do they prepare
They prepare
8. No, __
they aren't
they don't
they not
9. __ a new book?
Are you writeing
Are you writing
Do you write
10. Yes, __
I am
I do
you are
Now go on to the next page for phrases to describe people: How to Use Look, Be Like and Look Like
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