A.changes into active

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1.the computeres were bought by him
2.some books are read by her
3.the article is being written by me
4.english has been studied by them
5.the wood will be cut by the farmers
6.the fruits are planted by his mom
7.A cup of coffee was drunk by us
8.many toys have been played by children
9.A pen is borrowed by her friend
10.the classs has been cleaned by me

B.Changes into passive
1.I sang two songs
2.she helps me in the campus
3.they are making soap in factory
4.we had played computere in lab
5.my friends plant the flower
6.his brother wrote the task in library
7.her sister watches the best cinema
8.my cousin is washing some dishes
9.the boys have repaired mobiles
10. the girl sweeps the classs​

A.changes into active

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


A.changes into active

1. The computers were bought by him

➤ He bought the computers.

2. Some books are read by her

➤ She reads some books.

3. The article is being written by me

I am writing the article.

4. English has been studied by them

They have studied English.

5. The wood will be cut by the farmers

The farmers will cut the wood.

6. The fruits are planted by his mom

His mom plants the fruits.

7. A cup of coffee was drunk by us.

We drank a cup of coffee.

8. Many toys have been played by children

Children have played many toys.

9. A pen is borrowed by her friend.

Her friend borrows a pen.

10. The classs has been cleaned by me.

I have cleaned the class.

B.Changes into passive

1. I sang two songs

Two songs were sung by me.

2. She helps me in the campus

I am helped by her in the campus

3. They are making soap in factory

Soap is being made by them in factory

4. We had played computers in lab

Computers had been played by us in lab.

5. My friends plant the flower

The flower is planted by my friends.

6. His brother wrote the task in library

The task was written by his brother in library.

7. Her sister watches the best cinema

The best cinema is watched by her sister.

8. My cousin is washing some dishes

Some dishes are being washed by my cousin.

9. The boys have repaired mobiles

Mobiles have been repaired by the boys.

10. The girl sweeps the classs

The class is swept by the girl.


Kalimat Aktif atau Active Voice adalah pernyataan di mana subjek pada kalimat melakukan aksi/tindakan berdasarkan kata kerja pada pernyataan tersebut.

Contoh: Saya menyapu lantai

  • Saya sebagai subjek
  • Menyapu sebagai kata kerja yang dilakukan subjek
  • Lantai sebagai objek yang menerima tindakan

Sedangkan, Kalimat Pasif atau Passive Voice adalah pernyataan di mana subjek pada kalimat menerima tindakan bukan melakukan.

Contoh: Lantai disapu oleh saya

  • Lantai sebagai subjek
  • Disapu sebagai kata kerja yang diterima oleh subjek
  • Saya sebagai pelaku yang melakukan aksi/tindakan

Dalam bahasa Inggris, banyak yang harus dipelajari karena bahasa Inggris sendiri memiliki segudang tata bahasa, berbeda dengan Indonesia yang masih lebih simple dalam menyampaikan suatu kalimat.

Berikut ini sedikit gambaran mengenai pola perubahan dari Aktif ke Pasif atau sebaliknya:


Active voice

  • S + V1 + O

Passive voice

  • S + to be present + V3 + by + O



Active voice

  • S + V2 + O

Passive voice

  • S + to be past + V3 + by + O



Active voice

  • S + to be + V-ing + O

Passive voice

  • S + to be + being + V3 + by + O



Active voice

  • S + has/have + V3 + O

Passive voice

  • S + has/have + been + V3 + by + O



Active voice

  • S + had + V3 + O

Passive voice

  • S + had + been + V3 + by + O



Active voice

  • S + auxiliary verb modal + V1 + O

Passive voice

  • S + auxiliary verb modal + be + V3 + by + O

✧ Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

✧ Kelas: XI

✧ Materi: Passive voice (all tense)

✧ Kata Kunci: Perubahan kalimat Passive ke Active dan sebaliknya

✧ Kode soal: 05

✧ Kategorisasi: 11.05.08