A. complete the dialog with you the following expression

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1. I agree with you
2. I think
3. It's interesting
4. may i have
5. that's very kind of you​

A. complete the dialog with you the following expression

1. Tony: They shouldn't be giving us too much assignments.

Ayu: I agree with you.

2. Anne: Let's sneak out of class and head to the mall.

Heather: I think that isn't a good idea.

3. Kasie: What did you think of the show last night?

Abby: It's interesting.

4. Mina: What's that?

Inggrid: Chocolate chip cookies.

Mina: May I have some?

Inggrid: Sure.

5. Jonathan: Yesterday I helped a lost girl find her mom.

Sara: That's very kind of you.

Semoga membantu, kak! ^^