A. Don’t do be a lier.

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B. Never do the bad thing.
C. One good deserves the
D. We should help other people.
39. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass.
What does the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Climb
C. Achieve
B. Watch
D. Receive
40. ".., she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water.
What does the bold typed word refer to?
A. The ant.
C. The hunter.
B. The dove.
D. The ant and the dove.​

A. Don’t do be a lier.

Jawaban:no 38 gx ada soalnya no 39 gx ada garis bawah(underlined) dimana kata2 yang mau dijawab dan no 40 gx da kata2 yang dihitamkan (bold)

Penjelasan:tolong diedit ya mba