A) find the explanation about conditional if?

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b) give at least 5 sample sentences about conditional if?

A) find the explanation about conditional if?

A. Conditional tense is a type of sentence that describes a perception, prediction, or something that should happen.

Based on this situation, the use of the word "if" then becomes the most common type of word used in this sentence form.

B. Contoh kalimat :

1) If I woke up early, I won't be late at school => jenis kalimat yang menjelaskan sesuatu yang harusnya terjadi (if I woke up early)

2) If I have more money, I will buy that book.

3) If we met 5 years before.

4) If he wants, he can become a superstar.

5) I will go to the movies with you, if my mother allows me.