A. Identify the direct object and the indirect object of the following sentences. 1. My mother gifted me a necklace. 2. The principal granted us leave. 3. Our guest told an interesting story to us. 4. I bade my friends a sad farewell. 5. I promised my support for him. B. Answer the questions based on the information provided in the reading text. Use scanning to find the information. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American clergyman, activist and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement whose methods were similar to Mahathma Ghandhi’s. He used nonviolent methods to fight for the advancement of civil rights in the USA. Martin Luther King, Jr was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. He was an excellent student and entered Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, when he was only 15 years old. He has become a national icon in the history of modern American liberalism. A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career. As a result of Rosa Parks refusal to leave her seat for a white passenger, King led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott. He also helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957, serving as its first president. King’s efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. There, he expanded American values to include the vision of a color blind society and established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other nonviolent means. By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and stopping the Vietnam War. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. federal holiday in 1986.

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A. Identify the direct object and the indirect object of the following sentences. 1. My mother gifted me a necklace. 2. The principal granted us leave. 3. Our guest told an interesting story to us. 4. I bade my friends a sad farewell. 5. I promised my support for him. B. Answer the questions based on the information provided in the reading text. Use scanning to find the information. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American clergyman, activist and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement whose methods were similar to Mahathma Ghandhi’s. He used nonviolent methods to fight for the advancement of civil rights in the USA. Martin Luther King, Jr was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. He was an excellent student and entered Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, when he was only 15 years old. He has become a national icon in the history of modern American liberalism. A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career. As a result of Rosa Parks refusal to leave her seat for a white passenger, King led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott. He also helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957, serving as its first president. King’s efforts led to the 1963 March on Washington, where King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. There, he expanded American values to include the vision of a color blind society and established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history. In 1964, King became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination through civil disobedience and other nonviolent means. By the time of his death in 1968, he had refocused his efforts on ending poverty and stopping the Vietnam War. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. He was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977 and Congressional Gold Medal in 2004; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U.S. federal holiday in 1986.


A. Identifikasi objek langsung dan objek tidak langsung dari kalimat berikut. 1. Ibuku memberiku sebuah kalung. 2. Kepala sekolah memberi kami izin. 3. Tamu kami menceritakan kisah yang menarik kepada kami. 4. Saya mengucapkan selamat tinggal yang menyedihkan kepada teman-teman saya. 5. Saya menjanjikan dukungan saya untuknya. B. Jawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan informasi yang tersedia dalam teks bacaan. Gunakan pemindaian untuk menemukan informasi. Martin Luther King, Jr. adalah seorang pendeta Amerika, aktivis dan pemimpin terkemuka dalam Gerakan Hak Sipil Afrika-Amerika yang metodenya mirip dengan metode Mahathma Ghandhi. Dia menggunakan metode non-kekerasan untuk memperjuangkan kemajuan hak-hak sipil di AS. Martin Luther King, Jr lahir pada tanggal 15 Januari 1929 di Atlanta, Georgia. Dia adalah siswa yang luar biasa dan masuk Morehouse College di Atlanta, Georgia, ketika dia baru berusia 15 tahun. Dia telah menjadi ikon nasional dalam sejarah liberalisme Amerika modern. Seorang pendeta Baptis, King menjadi aktivis hak-hak sipil di awal karirnya. Akibat penolakan Rosa Parks untuk meninggalkan kursinya sebagai penumpang kulit putih, King memimpin Boikot Bus Montgomery 1955. Dia juga membantu mendirikan Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) pada tahun 1957, sebagai presiden pertamanya. Upaya King mengarah pada March 1963 di Washington, di mana King menyampaikan pidato "I Havea Dream". Di sana, dia mengembangkan nilai-nilai Amerika untuk memasukkan visi masyarakat buta warna dan membangun reputasinya sebagai salah satu orator terhebat dalam sejarah Amerika. Pada tahun 1964, King menjadi orang termuda yang menerima Hadiah Nobel Perdamaian atas usahanya mengakhiri segregasi rasial dan diskriminasi rasial melalui pembangkangan sipil dan cara non-kekerasan lainnya. Pada saat kematiannya pada tahun 1968, dia telah memfokuskan kembali upayanya untuk mengakhiri kemiskinan dan menghentikan Perang Vietnam. King dibunuh pada 4 April 1968, di Memphis, Tennessee. Dia secara anumerta dianugerahi Presidential Medal of Freedom pada 1977 dan Congressional Gold Medal pada 2004; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day ditetapkan sebagai hari libur federal AS pada tahun 1986.