A particle moves along the x axis according to the equation x = 2.00 + 3.00t – 1.00t2, where x is in meters and t is in seconds. At t = 3.00 s, find

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a. the position of the particle,
b. its velocity,
c. its acceleration.

A particle moves along the x axis according to the equation x = 2.00 + 3.00t – 1.00t2, where x is in meters and t is in seconds. At t = 3.00 s, find

Jawabnya pake bahasa indonesia aja ya…

a. x = posisi ( meter ) , t = waktu ( sekon ) = 3.00 sekon
   x = 2.00 + 3.00t - 1.00 t^{2} = 2 + 3t -  t^{2}
      = 2 + 3(3) -  3^{2} = 2 + 9 – 9 = 2 meter
b. v =  frac{x}{t}  frac{2}{3} = 0,66 m/s
c. Karena posisi awalnya 0 dan belum ada gerakan, maka percepatan sama
    dengan kecepatan = 0,66 m/s

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