A. The sentence of the first and second are correct and both of them show cause and effect correlation.

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B. The sentence of the first and second are correct but both of them don't show cause and effect correlation.
C. The first sentence is correct while the second sentence is incorrect.
D. The first sentence is incorrect while the second sentence is correct.
E. Both the first and second sentence is incorrect.

9. Cause
Clause is divided into two: finite and non finite.
Finite Clauses are those clauses containing a subject and a finite verb (marked for tense, person, and number). Nonfinite clauses are always dependent or embedded, since a main clause must have a finite verb.

10. Cause
Non-finite subordinate clauses = clauses with no finite verb. There are three types of non-finite subclauses.
Effect The types are: infinitive;-ing-participle; past participle; and verbless claușe.​

A. The sentence of the first and second are correct and both of them show cause and effect correlation.


Kalimat pertama dan kedua benar dan keduanya menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat.

B. Kalimat pertama dan kedua benar tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebab akibat.

C. Kalimat pertama benar sedangkan kalimat kedua salah.

D. Kalimat pertama salah sedangkan kalimat kedua benar.

E. Kalimat pertama dan kedua salah.

9. Penyebab

Klausa terbagi menjadi dua yaitu finite dan non finite.


Klausa Hingga adalah klausa yang mengandung subjek dan kata kerja terbatas (ditandai untuk tense, orang, dan angka). Klausa tak berhingga selalu bergantung atau disematkan, karena klausa utama harus memiliki verba berhingga.

10. Penyebab

Klausa bawahan tak berhingga = klausa tanpa kata kerja berhingga. Ada tiga jenis subklausa tak berhingga.

Efek Jenisnya adalah: infinitive;-ing-participle; partisip masa lalu; dan klausa tanpa kata kerja.


maaf ya kalo aku salah jawab ini,༎ຶ‿༎ຶ. ಥ‿ಥ