A. Use present simple form or present continuous form.

Posted on

1. He usually

(go) to work by bus

2. Tess (talk) on the phone now

3. Mr. Andrews

4. Be quiet! The baby

S. Mary's daughter

6. My father never

feat) fast food at the moment.

sleep) in his bedroom

(stay) in Boston at the moment

watch) a documentary on TV.

7. Falways, (work) warly in the morning

8. They never

9. The water

(pay) attention to my words

(boil) on the cooker! Turn it off!

10. Harry sometimes (play) tennis at the club. (play) the flute now. She's rehearsing!

11. Betty

12. My students rarely

13 Look! it

speak) a word in Englisht

Irain) cats and dogs! We can't go out now

14. Susan usually (do) her homework in her bedroom.

15 They,

(face) difficulties at the moment.


8. Ring the correct form

1. Mary prepared/was preparing lunch when they came/was coming

2. Tom was very unlucky It rained / was raining every day during his days

1. Who was that nice girt you talked/were talking to when walked/was walking by the pub?

4 Last weekend Susan fell/was falling and broke/ was breaking her leg

S. When I entered/was entering the cafetera Mary had/was having lunch

with Peter

& We drove/ were driving to Berlin in Robert's new car 7. The sun shone/was shining brightly when I got up/was getting up this


& Ann finally toid/was talling us the whole story about Pe

C. Use past simple form or past continuous form.

1. While

(work), he

2. The kids to rain (play)in the park when it (start)

3. She (came) when i couldn't answer the door!



(seela famous celebrity when i

on Oxford Street yesterday


A. Use present simple form or present continuous form.


A. Use present simple form or present continuous form.

1. He usually  goes to work by bus.

2. Tess is talking on the phone now.

3. Mr. Andrews teaches his students at school every day.

4. Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.

S. Mary's daughter sings a song every week.

6. My father never  eats fast food.

He is sleeping in his bedroom at the moment.

They are staying in Boston at the moment.

My Mother is watching a documentary on TV.

7. Father always works early in the morning.

8. They never visit us.

9. The water streams down the river.    

10. Harry sometimes plays tennis at the club.

11. Betty is playing the flute now. She's rehearsing!


12. My students rarely pay attention to my words.

13 Look! it is boiling in the cooker! Turn it off!

Her youngest son speaks a word in English!

It is raining cats and dogs! We can't go out now

14. Susan usually does her homework in her bedroom.

15 They are facing difficulties at the moment.


8. Ring the correct form

1. Mary prepared/was preparing lunch when they came/was coming

2. Tom was very unlucky It rained / was raining every day during his days

1. Who was that nice girl you talked/were talking to when we walked/was walking by the pub?

4 Last weekend Susan fell/was falling and broke/ was breaking her leg

S. When I entered/was entering the cafeteria Mary had/was having lunch

with Peter

& We drove/ were driving to Berlin in Robert's new car

7. The sun shone/was shining brightly when I got up/was getting up this  morning

& Ann finally told/was talling us the whole story about Pe

C. Use past simple form or past continuous form.

1. While  I was working, he was watching tv.

2. The kids were playing in the park when it started to rain.

3. She was coming when i couldn't answer the door!

4. I saw a famous celebrity when I was walking on Oxford Street yesterday.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Simple Present Tense, Present Contionuous, Past Continuous Tense dan Simple Past Tense.

1. Dia biasanya  pergi bekerja dengan bus.

2. Tess sedang berbicara di telepon sekarang.

3. Pak Andrews mengajar murid-muridnya di sekolah setiap hari.

4. Diam! Bayi sedang tidur.

Putri S. Mary menyanyikan sebuah lagu setiap minggu.

6. Ayah saya tidak pernah makan makanan cepat saji.

Dia sedang tidur di kamarnya saat ini.

Mereka tinggal di Boston saat ini.

Ibuku sedang menonton film dokumenter di TV.

7. Ayah selalu bekerja di pagi hari.

8. Mereka tidak pernah mengunjungi kita.

9. Air mengalir di sungai.


10. Harry terkadang bermain tenis di klub.

11. Betty sedang memainkan seruling sekarang. Dia sedang berlatih!

12. Siswa saya jarang memperhatikan kata-kata saya.

13 Lihat! itu mendidih di kompor! Matikan!

Putra bungsunya berbicara sepatah kata pun dalam bahasa Inggris!

Hujan sangat lebat! Kita tidak bisa keluar sekarang

14. Susan biasanya mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya di kamar tidurnya.

15 Mereka sedang menghadapi kesulitan saat ini.


8. Lingkari jawaban yang benar

1. Mary sedang menyiapkan makan siang ketika mereka datang.

2. Tom sangat tidak beruntung. Hujan setiap hari selama hari-hari (kerja)nya.

1. Siapa gadis baik yang kamu ajak bicara saat kita berjalan melewati di pub?

4 Akhir pekan lalu Susan jatuh dan kakinya patah.

S. Ketika saya memasuki kafetaria Mary sedang makan siang dengan Peter

& Kami berkendara ke Berlin dengan mobil baru Robert

7. Matahari bersinar terang ketika saya bangun pagi ini.

& Ann akhirnya memberi tahu kami seluruh cerita tentang Pe

C. Menggunakan bentuk past simple atau past continuous form.

1. Sementara  Saya sedang bekerja, dia sedang menonton tv.

2. Anak-anak sedang bermain di taman saat hujan mulai turun.

3. Dia datang ketika saya tidak bisa menjawab/membuka pintu!

4. Saya melihat seorang selebriti terkenal ketika saya sedang berjalan di Oxford Street kemarin.

Simple Present Tense:

(+) Subject + Verb-1 S/ES + Object

Present Continuous Tense:

(+) Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + Verb-ing + Object

Past Continuous Tense:

(+) Subject + Tobe (Was/Were) + Verb-ing + When + Subject + Verb-2

Simple Past Tense:

(+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object

Semoga membantu ya.


1.Rita Is Reading Now

2.Are You Going to work By bus?

3.They Are playing chess at the moment

4.He Is Working at the restaurant

5.the children are Going to bed

6.Is He sleeping now?

7.Mr Danu Leaving the office at five

8.Currently,Pete Talking to Suzanna
