A. What is the news about?B. Who wrote the news?C. When was the news published?D. Who was Trisha Prabhu?E. Why was she called ‘tech whiz’? What did she create?F. How does Rethink work? What prompt appears as warning?G. Did Trisha conduct trials to prove how the software works?What did the results show?H. What has inspired Trisha to develop the software?I. How does the “stop, block, and tell” method work?J. What did Trisha think about technology and responsibilityamong teens?​

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A. What is the news about?B. Who wrote the news?C. When was the news published?D. Who was Trisha Prabhu?E. Why was she called ‘tech whiz’? What did she create?F. How does Rethink work? What prompt appears as warning?G. Did Trisha conduct trials to prove how the software works?What did the results show?H. What has inspired Trisha to develop the software?I. How does the “stop, block, and tell” method work?J. What did Trisha think about technology and responsibilityamong teens?​


A. Tentang apa beritanya?

B. Siapa yang menulis berita?

C. Kapan berita itu diterbitkan?

D. Siapakah Trisha Prabhu?

E. Mengapa dia disebut 'ahli teknologi'? Apa yg dia buat?

F. Bagaimana cara kerja Rethink? Prompt apa yang muncul sebagai peringatan?

G. Apakah Trisha melakukan uji coba untuk membuktikan cara kerja software tersebut? Apa hasilnya?

H. Apa yang menginspirasi Trisha untuk mengembangkan perangkat lunak tersebut?

I. Bagaimana cara kerja metode "hentikan, blokir, dan beri tahu"?

J. Apa pendapat Trisha tentang teknologi dan tanggung jawab di antara remaja?


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