Activity 1

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Listen and repeat
Practice the following dialog.
Rady and Kinar are in the school canteen.
Kinar Hi, Randy. What are you doing?
Randy : I'm reading this label
Kinar : What for?
Randy : To check if this drink contains beneficial ingredients and nutritions or not. Anyway, you never
read labels before buying any products, don't you?
Kinar : No, I don't. Er … what will happen if the contents don't suit us?
Randy : As I know, they will give bad impacts if we consume such products regularly.
I don't understand Give me an example.
Randy : Well
, suppose you drink a soft drink that contains too much sugar for a long time, then you'll
suffer from diabetes. Some say, it may damage the kidneys and liver too.
Kinar : Horrible!
Randy : One more thing, never consume expired products. Remember! Always read the label
Kinar: O.K. Thanks for your information.
Randy : Any time.

1.who are talking in dialog?
2.when does the conversation probably take place?
3.what does Randy need?
4.why does he need to read the label?
5.what will happen if we consume a product containing too much sugar for a long period of time?whay?​

Activity 1


1.randy and kinar the school canteen

3.randy needs drinks contains beneficial ingredients and nutrition know how important the expire date of the all products take risk suffer diabetes. Because it may damage the kidneys and like very too

1. kkinar & randy
2. at the canteen
4. to check if this drink contains beneficial ingredients and nutritions or not
5. then you'll suffer from diabetes, it may damage the kidneys and liver too