Activity 11 Observe the picture below and then read the sentences to describe it 25 OVO This is my new bicycle. It is a very nice polygon bicycie. My father buys it for my birthday present it is black and blue I usually ride it on to go to school every day. Sometimes I and my friends take around town in the afternoon. It is very useful for me. It is also makes me healthy Now try to describe the things below, like the example above. Use these questions as the guide. a) What is the thing? b) How do you get it? c) What is the color, the size of the shape? d) What is the function of it?​

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Activity 11 Observe the picture below and then read the sentences to describe it 25 OVO This is my new bicycle. It is a very nice polygon bicycie. My father buys it for my birthday present it is black and blue I usually ride it on to go to school every day. Sometimes I and my friends take around town in the afternoon. It is very useful for me. It is also makes me healthy Now try to describe the things below, like the example above. Use these questions as the guide. a) What is the thing? b) How do you get it? c) What is the color, the size of the shape? d) What is the function of it?​


#bahasa Inggris

A) a bicycle B) from a birthday gift that father gave C) black and blue D) a bicycle for sports and entertainment

#bahasa Indonesia

A) sepeda B) dari hadiah ulang tahun pemberian ayah C) hitam dan biru D) sepeda untuk olahraga dan penghibur


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