Activity 12

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Read the text carefully. Then, answer the following questions.
My bedroom
Now, I want to describe my bedroom. This is my best place to live in. There are many kinds of
furniture in my bedroom. All of them are put neatly. In the centre of my room, there is my lovely wooden
bed. I always make it good. I put a colourful bed cover and a warm blanket on it. On the left side of my
bedroom, I put a big wooden wardrobe. I always put my clean clothes inside it. On the right side, I have
a desk and a chair. I put my books, pencils, erasers, crayons and some other things there. I learn the
lessons and do my home assignments there too. There is also a clock with its alarm to wake me up. I
always set the alarm at 4.30 a.m., to wake me up then start to do my daily activities. Besides having a
big lamp on the ceiling, I also have a desk lamp. I usually use it for studying. These are all my things
in my bedroom. I always keep my room nicely to make it the best place to live in.
5. where does he put his school utensils…?
6. where does he do his home assignment…?
7. where is the wardrobe…?
8. where does the writer usually study…?
9. why does he set the alarm clock 4.30 a.m. …?
10. where does he possibly put his bag…?​

Activity 12


5. desk

6. desk

7. left side of bedroom

8. desk

9. to start doing his daily activities

10. beside the desk(?)


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