Activity 14 Read the text and answer the questions That follow.

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Keep away head and neck from a gap (⬇️) and opening of siderall to prevent from patient-entrapment. Fallure to do so may result in injury.

1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. Where can you read the text?
3. What must a person do according to the text?
4. What will happen if a person disregards the text?
5. "Keep away head and neck from …." what is the similar meaning of 'keep away?'

Activity 14 Read the text and answer the questions That follow.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. What is the purpose of the text?

The purpose of the text is to warn someone be careful with their head and neck from a gap.

2. Where can you read the text?

I can read the text at hospital or clinic.

3. What must a person do according to the text?

A person must keep away head and neck from a gap and opening of side rail.

5. What will happen if a person disregards the text?

If a person disregards the text, it will result in injury.

5. "Keep away head and neck from …"

what is the similar meaning of 'keep away'?

The similar meaning of 'keep away' is stay away, prevent, shun


Kalimat di atas bila diartikan yaitu

Jauhkan kepala dan leher dari celah (⬇️) dan bukaan rel samping untuk mencegah pasien terjerat. Kesalahan dalam melakukannya dapat menyebabkan cedera.

Kalimat ini ditemukan di rumah sakit ketika menempatkan dan mengeluarkan pasien dari tempat tidur pasien.

Pelajari lebih lanjut arti kesuluruhan dari teks di atas pada
