Activity 2 Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate TO BE.

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1. There … …. a black cat on the sofa.
2. There …. three windows in my livingroom.
3. There … some pictures on the wall.
4. There …. plain water in the glass.
5. There …. people in the field.
6. There ……… five fish in the aquarium.
7. There …… potatoes in in the fridge.
8. There ….. some geese in the pond.
9. There ….. children in the playground. 10. There …. a loaf of bread on the plate.​

Activity 2 Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate TO BE.

Activity 2 : Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate TO BE (is/are).

➡ Isilah bagian yang kosong dengan TO BE (is/ are) yang paling tepat.


  1. is
  2. are
  3. are
  4. is
  5. are
  6. are
  7. are
  8. are
  9. are
  10. is


There is / There are

  • There is : digunakan untuk menyatakan keberadaan tentang objek yang tunggal atau hanya ada satu.
  • There are : digunakan untuk menyatakan keberadaan tentang objek yang jamak atau ada banyak.

Rumus There is/are

  • (+) There + is/are + Complement
  • (-) There + is/are + not + Complement
  • (?) is/are + There + Complement?


1. There is a black cat on the sofa.

  • Ada kucing hitam di sofa.

2. There are three windows in my livingroom.

  • Ada tiga jendela di ruang tamu saya.

3. There are some pictures on the wall.

  • Ada beberapa gambar di dinding.

4. There is plain water in the glass.

  • Ada air biasa di dalam gelas.

5. There are people in the field.

  • Ada orang di lapangan.

6. There are five fish in the aquarium.

  • Ada lima ikan di akuarium.

7. There are potatoes in in the fridge.

  • Ada kentang di dalam kulkas.

8. There are some geese in the pond.

  • Ada beberapa angsa di kolam.

9. There are children in the playground.

  • Ada anak-anak di taman bermain.

10. There is a loaf of bread on the plate.

  • Ada sepotong roti di piring.


There is dan There are:


  • Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
  • Materi: There is / are
  • Level: JHS
  • Kode Soal: 5
  • Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5

Kata kunci : To be, is, are