Activity g

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think of a positive result for each sentence. Make
Positive statement using to infinitive phrase
1. the assignment is very difficult, but it isn't too
– positive result the students can complete it
the assiggument isn't too difficult for students to
2. You You car is voory expinsive, but it is not too

Activity g

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Positive statement using an infinitive phrase based the sentence above are ..

1. The assignment is very difficult, but it isn't too


positive result : the students can complete it.

The assignment isn't too difficult for students to complete.

2. Your car is very expensive, but it is not too


positive result : You can buy it. Your car isn't too expensive for you to buy.


Using Infitives with too and very,

Too dan very mempunyai arti sangat atau terlalu.. walaupun mempunyai arti yang sama keduanya memiliki sedikit perbedaan pada penggunaannya.

1. Too mempunyai makna terlalu atau sangat dalam artian negatif sehingga memunculkan negative statement.

contoh :

• This pen is too expensive.

negative result : I can't buy it. This pen too expensive for me to buy.

2. Very mempunyai makna terlalu atau sangat namun masih dapat dimaklumi sehingga memunculkan positive statement.

contoh :

• I'm very tired, but I'm not too tired.

positive result : I can go to school, I'm not too tired to go to school.

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Detil Jawaban

Kelas : X

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

BAB : Grammar

Kode Kategorisasi : 10.5.3