.Aldo and his family (1)…. (visit) Karimun Jawa on the last school vacation. It was a short visit. Early in the morning, they (2)…..(go) snorkeling. A guide (3)….. (help) the family enjoy thw activities. They (4)…. (enjoy) the beautiful reef and fish in the water. After the that, they visited the shark-breeding pool. They (5)….. (have) a chance to swim with the sharks. It was scary. Aldi (6) …. (tremble) with fear when he (7) ….. (watch) the sharks swimming around him and his family. They, soon, he (8)….. (leave) the shark pool and enjoyed playing with other sea creatures, such as blowfish, starfish, and turtles. The blowfish (9)…. (puff) itself up when Ivan (10)…. (hold) it on his hand).

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jawab yang benar, jangan ngasal

.Aldo and his family (1)…. (visit) Karimun Jawa on the last school vacation. It was a short visit. Early in the morning, they (2)…..(go) snorkeling. A guide (3)….. (help) the family enjoy thw activities. They (4)…. (enjoy) the beautiful reef and fish in the water. After the that, they visited the shark-breeding pool. They (5)….. (have) a chance to swim with the sharks. It was scary. Aldi (6) …. (tremble) with fear when he (7) ….. (watch) the sharks swimming around him and his family. They, soon, he (8)….. (leave) the shark pool and enjoyed playing with other sea creatures, such as blowfish, starfish, and turtles. The blowfish (9)…. (puff) itself up when Ivan (10)…. (hold) it on his hand).

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

The Simple Past

Simple past (juga disebut past simple, past indefinite atau preterite) adalah susunan kalimat dengan kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa tindakan itu terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu (telah selesai). Simple past juga sering digunakan untuk membicarakan kebiasaan masa lalu dan generalisasi.

Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas tentang latihan soal berupa blank teks atau teks kosong di tengahnya untuk kemudian kita isi dengan kata yang tepat.


Aldo and his family visited Karimun Jawa on the last school vacation. It was a short visit. Early in the morning, they went snorkeling. A guide helped the family enjoy the activities. They enjoyed the beautiful reef and fish in the water. After the that, they visited the shark breeding pool. They had a chance to swim with the sharks. It was scary. Aldi trembled with fear when he watched the sharks swimming around him and his family. They, soon he left the shark pool and enjoyed playing with other sea creatures, such as blowfish, starfish, and turtles. The blowfish puffed itself up when Ivan held it on his hand

  1. Visited
  2. Went
  3. Helped
  4. Enjoyed
  5. had
  6. trembled
  7. watched
  8. left
  9. puffed
  10. held


Keterangan Tambahan

Setidaknya ada enam belas pola kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris, meskipun dalam bayangan kita banyak, namun kita tetap dapat menghafal seluruhnya karena pada dasarnya enam belas pola itu memiliki rumus yang sama, yaitu SAVO

Pola tenses dalam bahasa Inggris pada dasarnya adalah sama, yaitu S A V O, apabila dijabarkan lebih lanjut akan terlihat seperti di bawah ini

  • S (Subject)
  • A (Auxiliary)
  • V (Verb)
  • O (Object)

Yang membedakan antara satu pola dengan pola yang lainnya hanyalah auxiliary dan verb dari kalimat itu.

Simple past dibentuk menggunakan auxiliary berupa did atau does ditambah verb2 sebagai kata kerjanya (verb), namun pada kalimat positive auxiliary simple past tidak ditampakkan. Bentuk pertanyaan ditunjukkan dengan membalikkan subjek dan auxiliary . Bentuk negatif dibuat dengan menambah kata "not".

  • Statement (+): You saw that movie yesterday.
  • Question (?): Did you see that movie yesterday?
  • Negative (-): You did not see that movie yesterday.
  • Negative Question (-?): Didn't you see that movie yesterday?

Simple Past Uses  (Penggunaan Simple Past)

1. Completed Action in the Past (Pekerjaan yang telah selesai di masa lampau)

Simple Past digunakan untuk mengekspresikan gagasan bahwa suatu tindakan dimulai dan selesai pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Kadang kadang, pembicara mungkin tidak benar benar menyebutkan waktu spesifik, tetapi lawan pembicaranya sudah memahami waktu spesifik dalam pikiran.


  1. I saw a movie yesterday.  (Saya melihat film kemarin)
  2. I didn't see a play yesterday.  (Saya tidak melihat drama kemarin.)
  3. Last year, I traveled to Japan.  (Tahun lalu, saya bepergian ke Jepang.)
  4. Last year, I didn't travel to Korea.  (Tahun lalu, saya tidak bepergian ke Korea.)
  5. Did you have dinner last night?  (Apakah Anda makan malam tadi malam?)
  6. She washed her car.  (Dia mencuci mobilnya.)
  7. He didn't wash his car. (Dia tidak mencuci mobilnya.)

2. Series of Completed Actions (Serangkaian Pekerjaan yang Selesai)

Kami menggunakan Simple Past untuk membuat daftar tindakan yang telah selesai di masa lalu. Contohnya sebuah tindakan yang terjadi tanggal 1, 2, 3, 4, dan seterusnya.


  1. I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.  (Saya selesai bekerja, berjalan ke pantai, dan menemukan tempat yang bagus untuk berenang)
  2. He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.  (Dia tiba dari bandara jam 8:00, check in ke hotel jam 9:00, dan bertemu yang lain jam 10:00)
  3. Did you add flour, pour in the milk, and then add the eggs?  (Apakah Anda menambahkan tepung, menuangkan susu, dan kemudian menambahkan telur?)

Simak Juga

Tentang Simple Present Tense

Tentang Present Continuous


Detail Jawaban

Kelas          : 7

Mapel         : Bahasa Inggris

Bab             : The Sixteen Tenses

Kode           : 7.2.8

Kata Kunci  : English, Simple, Past