Angga: Tomorrow is the weekend, do you have any plans Juan?

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Juan: maybe i just playing with my phone and do nothing
Angga: it sounds boring, you know?
Juan: yeah i know it, anyway what are you going to do?
Angga: i am going to take additional chemistry class, would you like to join?
Juan: chemistry class? sounds interesting, my daily chemistry test scores aren't that great either Angga: So, will you join chemistry class with me? Juan: yes, i will join with you

tolong di buat 5 pertanyaan dan jawaban nya dari dialog di atas…terimakasih ​

Angga: Tomorrow is the weekend, do you have any plans Juan?


  1. What is Juan's plan for the weekend?
  2. What is Angga's plan for the weekend?
  3. What additional class does Angga take?
  4. How is Juan's chemistry test score?
  5. Will Juan join the chemistry class?


  1. Juan's plan is to play with his phone and does nothing
  2. Angga's plan is to take an additional chemistry class
  3. Angga takes the additional chemistry class
  4. Juan's chemistry test score is not that great
  5. Yes, Juan will join with Angga

Semoga membantu


1 what juny want to play?

2 Angga going to?

3 what juan say to Angga?

4 is juan want to join additional chemistry?

5 what is additional chemitry


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