Animal and Their Habitsminta tolong di jawab , mau di kumpulkan hari ini​

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Animal and Their Habitsminta tolong di jawab , mau di kumpulkan hari ini​

Animal and Their Habitsminta tolong di jawab , mau di kumpulkan hari ini​


Bear this bear has a big body he is dangerous he eats meat and lives in the forest

yg atas beruang ya

this cat is a cat who likes to eat meat and fish he is very lively yg ini kucing

Rabbit likes to eat carrots and he likes to jump and jump yg ini kelinci

Elephants have long trunks and eat leaves

yg ini gajah

ini yg kelima singa

Si The lion likes to eat meat he often hunts deer and has thick hair


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1. Koala

Activities : Sleep

Description : Has a large head, large hairy ears, thick gray fur, and sharp              claws and feeds on eucalyptus leaves. Coming from Australia

2. Cat

Activities: Eating, sleeping, playing, and sometimes hunting

Description: A cat is a furry animal that has a long tail and sharp claws

3. Squid

Activities: looking for food, avoiding predators

Description: have eight arms arranged in pairs, and two longer tentacles with suckers

4. Bear

Activities: foraging/hunting, and sleeping in winter

Description : large bodies, stocky legs, a long snout, shaggy hair, paws with claws, and a short tail

5. Bird

Activities: eating, drinking, looking for a partner

Description: bodies are covered with a light, tough layer of feathers

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