Answer the following questions!

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1.What do you think of watching too much television?
2.What do you think of joining the youth red cross?
3.What do you like to do in your spare time?
4.Suppose your friend offers you a certain dish. What would you say to express your like or dislike

Help me :g

Answer the following questions!

1. I think if we are too much on watching television we will waste our time which we can utilize a half of watching time to do something useful
2. Joining red cross activities can make our psycology becomes a helpful individu and can give us more experience in helping others who face accident
3. I want use my spare time to re-read my today lesson in class instead of take a nap
4. Like expression: thank you for your offer, I really like hamburger so much
Dislike expression: thank you for your offer, but I'd rather to choose other menu anyway

  Maap kalau sama atau gimana & maap kalau salah
1.I think if we are too much on watching television we will waste our time which we can utilize a half of watching time to do something useful
2.Joining red cross activities can make our psycology becomes a helpful individu and can give us more experience in helping others who face accident
3.I want use my spare time to re-read my today lesson in class instead of take a nap
4.Like expression:thank you for your offer, I really like hamburger so much
Dislike expression:thank you for your offer, but I'd rather to choose other menu anyway