Answer the question. with the correct preposition.

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1. from te plane. we could see people in the field ……. us

2. don't stand ….. the television. i can't see

3. the fainted man. was lying ….. the ground

4. the looked at the ceiling …. him

5. you can sit ….. that beach. no body is sitting there.

6. Keysha is ….. London.

7. citra is …. work

8. you have something ….. your face

9. the answer is ….. the bottom of the page.

10. there's a helicopter havering ….. our hour.

11. it's dark where the road goes …… a rail wag bridge

12. come and sit ….. me so that i can hear you better.

13. can i sit …. you at the movie thentre?

14. when we flew …. the clouds, we could see the earth's surface

15. your glasses are right ….. your.

bantu jawab Kaka
besok dikumpul..
pliss, Jan asal!!

Answer the question. with the correct preposition.


1. under

2. in front of

3. on

4. above

5. on

6. in

7. a

8. on

9. in

10. on

11. under

12. beside

13. beside

14. over

15. next to


moga bener:)