Answer the questions based on the dialogue

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Moon: Can i help you Venus?

Venus: Yes, please. I can't bring this pot to the garden by myself?

Moon: so, lets bring it together!

Venus: Thanks a lot

Moon: With pleasure. What else I can do for you?

Venus: Nothing, thanks. I want to plant the rose now.

Moon: What if i take the fertilizer and water for the plant?

Venus: Oh, thanks for helping me

1.Who are the in the dialogue
2.What do they bring to the garden
3.What does Venus want to plant?
4.find the Expression of offering a service in the dialogue?
5.Does Venus accept Moon's offer?​

Answer the questions based on the dialogue


1. Moon and Venus

2. a Pot

3. the rose

4. What else I can do for you?

5. Yes

