Answer these questions based on the text above!

Posted on

1. what is the text tell us about
2. what is the text written for?
3. what is the originated place os giant panda?
4. what is the main diet of panda
5. what is the function og a modified bone of their thumb?
6. what is the main topic of last paragraph
7. hiw long can they live up
8. hiw do pandas make a communication with each other
9. they are "a solitary" animal whi has a defined territory. what does the underlined word means
10. in which paragraph can we found general classification of the text above
maaf ya ada yang dicoret itu soalnya ada nama sekokah gw ​

Answer these questions based on the text above!

Answer these questions based on the text above!


1. Pandas.

2. To tell us about the dragon warrior. Po

3. Central Asia.

4. Bamboos.

5. To hold bamboos while eating.

6. Their size, body weight, and life expectancy.

7. They can live up to 20 – 30 years.

8. Making sounds and through scent marking.

9. It means, some pandas live alone. Solitary = Hidup Sendiri (kasian)

10. In the 2nd Paragraph.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang General Classification ->

Materi tentang Info Searching ->

Materi tentang Adjectives ->


Detail Materi:

Kelas: 7

Mata pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris.

Materi: General Classification, Info Searching, dan Adjectives.


  1. A Panda
  2. Characteristics of a panda
  3. Central China
  4. Bamboo
  5. That help them to hold Bamboo while eating
  6. An adult panda can reach the size of 1,2 to 1,9 m long from nose to tail. The tail is about 10 to 15 cm long. The body height of an adult panda can reach 60 to 90 cm and their body weight can reach 160 kg.
  7. They can live up to 20 years in the wild and about 30 years in captivity.
  8. They communicate to each other by making sound and through scent marking.
  9. Secara menyendiri atau pasangan, tidak secara berkelompok (tentang pola hidup organisme di alam)
  10. 1st paragraph


Maaf kalo salah:v