Apa arti “manifested”

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Apa arti “manifested”

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The meaning of a word 'manifested' is varied based on the context and part of speech, which is adjective and verb (past participle).

'Manifested' as an adjective means 'apparent, obvious to senses, not hidden' or in Indonesia 'jelas dan terbukti'

'Manifest(ed)' as a verb means 'show, display plainly or distinctly' or in Indonesia 'menunjukkan atau terlihat dengan jelas'


In finding out the meaning, it is always best and recommended to look it up to the dictionary. One can see the proper meaning for such word in different part of speech. The well-recommended English dictionary either online or printed one, has the explanation on the meaning for different context, as well as the example and the word usage throughout the years, or the history of such word.

The meaning for 'manifested' has been explained above. Here are the examples of them in a sentence

'The spectre in this mansion was manifested in the presence of such possessed lady.'   (as an adjective)

'The striker's doubt for doing the penalty shoot-out manifested in his face, which eventually led to his failure to score.' (as a verb)

In Indonesia, this word seems to be well-known as a term in the delivery business, especially among the customer of JNE, one of the popular one in the local delivery. The meaning of 'manifested' for this context is that 'barang telah diterima kantor JNE dan siap untuk dikirim ke alamat tujuan.'

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Meaning of certain word   brainly.co.id/tugas/5640884

Detail Jawaban:

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: translation


Kata kunci: meaning