Apa bahasa indonesianya When i was in elementary school, really loved football. Every sunday efternoon’ paracticed in school field with my team and crouch. They were strong and very smartplayers. The crouch wars coucking very discipline. He would grounded anyone who come later end not obat the team rules.

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Apa bahasa indonesianya When i was in elementary school, really loved football. Every sunday efternoon’ paracticed in school field with my team and crouch. They were strong and very smartplayers. The crouch wars coucking very discipline. He would grounded anyone who come later end not obat the team rules.

Jawaban:ketika saya masih dsekolah dasar,saya sangat menyukai sepakbola.setiap minggu sore'saya berlatih di lapangan sekolah dengan kawan kawan/tim dan pelatih.mereka sangat kuat dan juga pemain yang cerdas.pelatih saya sangatlah disiplin.dia akan menghukum siapapun yang datang terlambat

Penjelasan:maaf kalau salah:v