Apa bahasa inggrisnya.

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jadi pada liburan kali ini,kegiatan yang biasa aku lakukan adalah diam dirumah.eiiits…tapi…lebih tepatnya sih diam dirumah tapi melakukan banyak melakukan kegiatan.
yaa kaya bantuin orang tua,main sama saudara dan sepupu,main hp,muraja'ah hafalan,terus yang lainnya itu kayak nyantai gitu.
aku sih sebenarnya lebih suka dipondok,karena lingkungannya yang kondusif dan waktu yanga aku habisin itu lebih banyak dihabisin buat yang bermanfaat gitu.
jujur selama ana di rumah…ana nggk pernah yang namanya jalan2 alasannya sih.nih yang utama itu:nggak ada uang terus nggk ada kendaraan.sebenarnya..banyak banget tempat yang pengen ana tuju tapi yaa..
jadi?udah jelas kan?kegiatan ana dirumah itu apa?

tolong bantuannya
terima kasih..
semoga yang menjawab mendapat banyak balasan kebaikan

Apa bahasa inggrisnya.


so on this holiday, the activity I usually do is stay at home, eiits … but, to be more precise, I stay at home but do a lot of activities,

yes like helping parents, playing with siblings and cousins, playing cellphones, memorizing muraja'ah, then everything else is like relaxing.

I actually prefer to be in the cottage, because the environment is conducive, and the time I spend is more of a useful time.

honestly as long as I was at home, I never walked around

the reason is, the main thing is there is no money and there are no vehicles, actually there are lots of places that I want to go to but yeah ..

so, it's clear right? how about my activities at home

maaf klo salah hhe


Bahasa Inggris nya :

So on this vacation, the activity I usually do is stay at home … hey … but … to be more precise, I stay at home but do a lot of activities.

yaa like helping parents, playing with siblings and cousins, playing cellphones, memorizing muraja'ah, then the others are like relaxing.

I actually prefer to be in a boarding house, because the environment is conducive and the time I spend is mostly spent on what is useful.

Honestly, as long as I'm at home … I have never had a walk, the main reason is: no money and no vehicles. Actually … there are lots of places I want to go to but yeah …

so? it's clear right? what are your activities at home?

saran :

Semoga membantu dan bermanfaat




