Apa ciri-ciri berenang???

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Apa ciri-ciri berenang???

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Ciri" renang
berada di air
menggerakan kaki
menggerakan tangan (bisa juga diam)
bergerak kedepan di dalam air

semoga membantu

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Leg Movement To swim using breaststroke, Flex your feet into the knee. then reflected (straight kick with both feet tenuous position or open). Keep legs straight, then moving them together (make sure the left and right foot slightly touching). Do it this way repeatedly. Attach hand gestures both hands (as if to shake hands) and align overhead. Then, pull the hand to the right and left side, but did not need too to the side (simply drag it to the side at shoulder width and pull the rest down). After that, straighten your arms back. Combination of movement and take a breather for a combination of movement, you can do the hands and feet alternately. To take a breath, do when the hand movements to the right and left side, then Tilt head up while taking a breather.