Ariana anda dira…. 2 packs of candies ini the supermarket last week

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a. bought
c. busy
d.buying ​

Ariana anda dira…. 2 packs of candies ini the supermarket last week

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Jawab: A. Bought

Ariana anda dira…. 2 packs of candies ini the supermarket last week

a. ✅ bought = Past Tense

b. buy = utk subject plural (Present Tense)

c. buys = utk subject singular (Present Tense)

d. buying ​= utk Continues Tense


=> Karena dalam soal terdapat kata “last week” maka gunakan Past Tense yaitu Verb 2

(+) S + V2 + O

= Ariana anda dira bought 2 packs of candies ini the supermarket last week

* V1 buy = V2 bought (membeli)


Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: SMP

Materi: Past Tense

Kode Mapel: 5