Arrange the following sentences into a correct paragraph.

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tolong mepet banget teman HELP!!! jangan ngasal ya please

1. I was very happy when I realized I could ride motorcycle.
2. Nonetheless, I got nervous when I passed the narrow street.
3. 1 lost my control and fell to the ditch.
4. One day, my father bought an old motorcycle.
5. My father taught me how to ride the motorcycle.
6. My father was very patient and gave me directions.
7. In the beginning, everything ran well.

Arrange the following sentences into a correct paragraph.


4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 2 – 3

—————– Its Done

Urutan nya:

4. One day, my father bought an old motorcycle.

5. My father taught me how to ride the motorcycle.

6. My father was very patient and gave me directions.

7. In the beginning, everything ran well.

1. I was very happy when I realized I could ride motorcycle.

2. Nonetheless, I got nervous when I passed the narrow street.

3. 1 lost my control and fell to the ditch.

Urutan lengkap paragraf tersebut adalah 4-5-6-7-1-2-3.


Dalam menentukan kalimat pertama cermati jenis teks tersebut. Setelah dicermati ternyata kalimat-kalimat di atas adalah recount text yang berisi keterangan waktu lampau, yaitu One day.

  • Struktur Recount teks


➡️ Berisikan tentang pengenalan awal cerita.

4. One day, my father bought an old motorcycle.

  • Suatu hari, ayah saya membeli sebuah sepeda motor tua.


➡️ Berisikan tentang rangkaian peristiwa

5. My father taught me how to ride the motorcycle.

  • Ayah saya mengajari saya cara mengendarai sepeda motor.

6. My father was very patient and gave me directions.

  • Ayah saya sangat sabar dan memberi saya arahan.

7. In the beginning, everything ran well.

  • Pada awalnya, semuanya berjalan dengan baik.


➡️ Berisikan tentang kesimpulan atau pendapat dari sang penulis cerita.

1. I was very happy when I realized I could ride motorcycle.

  • Saya sangat senang ketika saya menyadari bahwa saya bisa mengendarai sepeda motor.

2. Nonetheless, I got nervous when I passed the narrow street.

  • Meskipun demikian, saya merasa gugup ketika melewati jalan sempit.

3. 1 lost my control and fell to the ditch.

  • Saya kehilangan kendali dan jatuh ke parit.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph:


Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Reading

Level: JHS

Kode soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 8.5