Arrange the following sentences to form sequential dialogs

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Practice the dialogs with your friend
Dialog 1
1. Randy Well you can't blame them. Your accident was really bad I heard you were unconscious for
two days
2. Randy Don't worry. We still have enough time. I think we should divide our asks flest
3. Randy : Well
, that's good to hear because we have a job to do I have been paired with you for the
physics project. I hope you are ready for tons of work
4. Randy: Congratulations on your total recovery. Kinar! I'm glad you are finally with us again.
5. Randy Really? Good job! That will make things easier and quicker
6. Kinar: Thanks. I'll try my best to keep up.
7. Kinar Thanks, Randy. I wish I could get out of the hospital sooner. But my parents want to be sure
that I am completely fine.
8. Kinar I've already heard about that from Wisnu. In fact I have prepared few ideas and gather
materials for the project at home
9. Kinar. Good idea.
10. Kinar I was ako surprised when I heard that too. The doctor said that I'm fine now
Dialog 2
1. Edo Well don't you know that there is another way to get the ticket for free?
2. Edo There is an online quiz on the radio If you answer all the questions correctly, you'll get a free
ticket. There are 20 tickets for the first 20 winners.
3. Edo Thanks The quiz has just begun. I believe no one has got it right yet
4. Edo Have you heard about the laser show at the city park. Cindy?
5. Edo What's holding you back, Cindy?
6. Cindy That's great. You're very well informed I'm impressed
7. Cindy I do Gosh. I wish I could watch it!​

Arrange the following sentences to form sequential dialogs


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Arrange the following sentences to form sequential dialogs

Practice the dialogs with your friend

Dialog 1


1. Randy Well you can't blame them. Your accident was really bad I heard you were unconscious for

two days

2. Randy Don't worry. We still have enough time. I think we should divide our asks flest

3. Randy : Well

, that's good to hear because we have a job to do I have been paired with you for the

physics project. I hope you are ready for tons of work

4. Randy: Congratulations on your total recovery. Kinar! I'm glad you are finally with us again.

5. Randy Really? Good job! That will make things easier and quicker

6. Kinar: Thanks. I'll try my best to keep up.

7. Kinar Thanks, Randy. I wish I could get out of the hospital sooner. But my parents want to be sure

that I am completely fine.

8. Kinar I've already heard about that from Wisnu. In fact I have prepared few ideas and gather

materials for the project at home

9. Kinar. Good idea.

10. Kinar I was ako surprised when I heard that too. The doctor said that I'm fine now

Dialog 2

1. Edo Well don't you know that there is another way to get the ticket for free?

2. Edo There is an online quiz on the radio If you answer all the questions correctly, you'll get a free

ticket. There are 20 tickets for the first 20 winners.

3. Edo Thanks The quiz has just begun. I believe no one has got it right yet

4. Edo Have you heard about the laser show at the city park. Cindy?

5. Edo What's holding you back, Cindy?

6. Cindy That's great. You're very well informed I'm impressed

7. Cindy I do Gosh. I wish I could watch it!

Susun kalimat berikut untuk membentuk dialog berurutan

Berlatih dialog dengan teman Anda

Dialog 1


1. Randy Anda tidak bisa menyalahkan mereka. Kecelakaan Anda sangat buruk, saya dengar Anda tidak sadarkan diri

dua hari

2. Randy Jangan khawatir. Kami masih punya cukup waktu. Saya pikir kita harus membagi flest permintaan kita

3. Randy: Baiklah

, itu bagus untuk didengar karena kami memiliki pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan. Saya telah dipasangkan dengan Anda untuk

proyek fisika. Saya harap Anda siap untuk banyak pekerjaan

4. Randy: Selamat atas kesembuhan total Anda. Kinar! Saya senang Anda akhirnya bersama kami lagi.

5. Randy Benarkah? Kerja bagus! Itu akan membuat segalanya lebih mudah dan lebih cepat

6. Kinar: Terima kasih. Saya akan mencoba yang terbaik untuk mengikuti.

7. Kinar Terima kasih, Randy. Saya berharap saya bisa keluar dari rumah sakit lebih cepat. Tapi orang tua saya ingin memastikan

bahwa saya baik-baik saja.

8. Kinar Saya sudah mendengar tentang itu dari Wisnu. Sebenarnya saya sudah menyiapkan sedikit ide dan mengumpulkan

bahan untuk proyek di rumah

9. Kinar. Ide bagus.

10. Kinar Saya juga kaget saat mendengarnya. Dokter berkata bahwa saya baik-baik saja sekarang

Dialog 2

1. Edo Nah tahukah kamu bahwa ada cara lain untuk mendapatkan tiketnya secara gratis?

2. Edo Ada kuis online di radio Jika kamu menjawab semua pertanyaan dengan benar, kamu akan mendapat gratis

tiket. Ada 20 tiket untuk 20 pemenang pertama.

3. Terima kasih Edo Kuis baru saja dimulai. Saya yakin belum ada yang melakukannya dengan benar

4. Edo Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang pertunjukan laser di taman kota. Cindy?

5. Edo Apa yang menahanmu, Cindy?

6. Cindy Itu bagus. Anda sangat terinformasi. Saya terkesan

7. Cindy, saya lakukan Astaga. Saya berharap saya bisa menontonnya!

#MaafKalauSalah 🙂