Arrange the jumbled words below to be good sentence.

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1. Come – my house – will – tonight? – you – to
Answer :
2. Soon – will – they – come
Answer :
3. A poem – Rina – write – will
Answer :
4. Today – not – the coach – come – will
Answer :
5. This afternoon – think about – will – I– it
Answer :
6. He – help – the – can’t – man – blind
Answer :
7. You – can – the – take – book?
Answer :
8. Is-? – can – tell – where – me – it – you
Answer :
9. To – do – can – I – help – you – it
Answer :
10. Can – they – their – show – performance– tonight?
Answer :

makasiii bebbb (ʘᴗʘ✿)​

Arrange the jumbled words below to be good sentence.

1. Will you come to my house tonight?

2. They will come soon.

3. Rina will write a poem.

4. The coach will not come today.

5. I will think about it this afternoon.

6. He can't help the blind man.

7. Can you take the book?

8. Can you tell me where it is?

9. I can help you to do it.

10. Can they performance their show tonight?


boleh bantu aku naik ke peringkat pakar dengan cara menjadikan jawaban terbaik ya. :)