arti ini apaan 1.yuli can make fried rice and she can fry the egg nicely .she can also serve fried rice beautifully with tomaties and celery. is not Easy to read a story to your friends loudly and correctly .But i’m happy that many of you can do it well.adi still makes mistakes but he can read his story loudly. 3.fatima always speaks softly but when she sings she can sing very loudly

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arti ini apaan 1.yuli can make fried rice and she can fry the egg nicely .she can also serve fried rice beautifully with tomaties and celery. is not Easy to read a story to your friends loudly and correctly .But i’m happy that many of you can do it well.adi still makes mistakes but he can read his story loudly. 3.fatima always speaks softly but when she sings she can sing very loudly

1. Yuli bisa membuat nasi goreng dan dia bisa menggoreng telur dengan bagus. Dia juga bisa menyajikan nasi goreng secara cwntik dengan tomat dan seledri.
2. Tidak mudah untuk membaca cerita ke temanmu dengan suara yg keras dan secara benar. Tapi saya senang banyak dari kalian bisa melakulannya dengan baik. Adi masih membuat kesalahan tapi dia bisa membaca cerita dengan suara yg leras.
3. Fatima selalu berbicara dengan lembut tapi ketika dia menyanyi dia bisa bernyanyi sangat keras

Yuli bisa membuat nasi goreng dan dia bisa menggoreng telur dengan baik