artikan.Giraffe is the kind of mammal which lives in Africa. It has long legs and neck with spots on its body and hooves. It also has a horn-like ossicones on its head. This animal normally eats leaves and fruits. It can walk and run, though not so​

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artikan.Giraffe is the kind of mammal which lives in Africa. It has long legs and neck with spots on its body and hooves. It also has a horn-like ossicones on its head. This animal normally eats leaves and fruits. It can walk and run, though not so​


jerapah adalah jenis mamalia yang hidup di Afrika. Ia memiliki kaki dan leher yang panjang dengan bintik-bintik di tubuhnya dan kuku. ia juga memiliki ossicone seperti tanduk di kepalanya. Hewan ini biasanya memakan daun dan buah.ia bisa berjalan dan berlari, meski tidak demikian