Assalaamualaikum wr wb my dearest students…☺️

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How is your life..

Talking about corona, Today I have puzzle 4 u related 2 this topic

Rearrange these words into meaningful words, find the meaning and what kind or words are the words below. OK…
Ex. Tenmervong = government (N) pemerintah

N – noun
V – verb
Adj – adjective

1. Irvus =
2. Wronc =
3. Layheth =
4. Naccive =
5. Cilopy =
6. Cretpot =
7. Smak =
8. Ensizati =
9. Defincet =
10. Guhoc =
11. Freev =
12. Deruce =
13. Depsar =
14. Isadees =
15. Tencibau =
16. Lipsahot =
17. Mymspot =
18. Laosic =
19. Trenvep =
20. Germceeny =​

Assalaamualaikum wr wb my dearest students…☺️

Jawaban :

1. Irvus = Virus (N) virus

2. Wronc = Crown (N) Mahkota

3. Layheth = Healthy (Adj) sehat

4. Naccive = Vaccine (N) Vaksin

5. Cilopy = Policy (N) kebijakan

6. Cretpot = Protect (V) Melindungi

7. Smak = Mask (N) Masker

8. Ensizati = Sanitize (V) Membersihkan

9. Defincet = Infected (Adj) Terjangkiti

10. Guhoc =Cough (N) Batuk

11. Freev = Fever (N) Demam

12. Deruce = Reduce (V) Mengurangi

13. Depsar = Spread (V) Menular

14. Isadees = Disease (N) Penyakit

15. Tencibau = Incubate (V)


16. Lipsahot = Hospital (N) Rumah Sakit

17. Mymspot = Symtomp (N) Gejala

18. Laosic = Social (Adj) Sosial

19. Trenvep = Prevent (V) Mencegah

20. Germceeny = Emergency (N)

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