Assalamualaikum, Pagi / Siang / Sore / Malam Kakak kakak .. Mau numpang tanya, ini ada yang bisa jawab tidak ya? Terimakasih banyak kakak adik semuaa ✨​

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Assalamualaikum, Pagi / Siang / Sore / Malam Kakak kakak .. Mau numpang tanya, ini ada yang bisa jawab tidak ya? Terimakasih banyak kakak adik semuaa ✨​

Assalamualaikum, Pagi / Siang / Sore / Malam Kakak kakak .. Mau numpang tanya, ini ada yang bisa jawab tidak ya? Terimakasih banyak kakak adik semuaa ✨​


1. can you show me how to put your hands up

2. i can lift my right leg

3. can you show me how to step to the left

4.they practice the sirih kuning dance together

5. every monday Juki wears a red and white uniform

6. she wears a beautiful dress at the party

7. i have a pair of black shoes

8. she wears a traditional costume from Betawi

9. i wear t shirt and shorts on a sunny day

10. are these your hats zaenab


1. Can you show me how to put your hands up

2. Can I lift my right leg

3. Can you show me how to step to the left

4. They practice the Sirih Kuning dance together

5. Juki wears a red and white uniform every monday

6. She wears a beautiful dress at the party

7. I have a pair of black shoes

8. She wears a traditional costume from betawi

9. I wear T shirt and shorts on a sunny day

10. Zaenab these are your hats.