Assalamu’alaikumkk tolong di bantu besok mau di kumpul
Task 2
1. No, his bedroom is small but very lovely.
2. There are five (5) pictures on the wall
3. There isn't wardrobe in his room, but there is a drawer.
4. There are two (2) bolsters on his bed
5. The color of his bookshelf is blue
Task 4
1. Maharani really likes her clasroom (✅)
2. Maharani's classroom is small but clean (❌)
3. There are twenty two desks and forty four chairs (❌)
4. There is a blackboard at the front of the class (❌)
5. There are five markers, two ballpoints, and three rulers on the teacher's desk (✅)
Untuk Teks yang pertama ngga kk kerjain yaa, karna itu harus melihat videonya terlebih dahulu untuk menjawab soalan, silahkan km tonton video yg sudah guru km berikan, supaya bisa menjawab soal²nya yaa, Semangat!