Assive Voice: Be + Verb 3

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Activity: Active-Passive
hange these sentences into passive voice!
1. Ice covers about 98% of Antarctica.
The Sahara receives less than three inches of
rain a year on average.
3. The visitors can easily see Yosemite Falls from a
multitude of viewpoints and trails.
People can hear the thunderous roar of Havasu
Falls from a half-mile away.
You can rent a car at any of the nearby airports,
including Yellowstone Regional Airport in Cody,
D. Listening Skill
madha wall
understand analan Daalia​

Assive Voice: Be + Verb 3

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Passive voice yaitu kalimat pasif dalam bahasa Indonesia. Rumus dari passive voice adalah be + verb 3. Be atau auxiliary verb di sini mengikuti bentuk tense dari active voice.

Ice covers about 98% of Antarctica.

Passive: 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice.

The Sahara receives less than three inches of rain a year on average.

Passive: Less than inches of rain a year on average is received by the Sahara.

The visitors can easily see Yosemite Falls from a multitude of viewpoints and trails.

Passive: Yosemite Falls can be easily seen by the visitors from a multitude of viewpoints and trails.

People can hear the thunderous roar of Havasu Falls from a half-mile away.

Passive: The thunderous roar of Havasu Falls can be heard (by people) from a half-mile away.

You can rent a car at any of the nearby airports, including Yellowstone Regional Airport in Cody, Wyoming.

Passive: A car can be rented at any of the nearby airports, including Yellowstone Regional Airport in Cody, Wyoming.


Pada kalimat pertama dan kedua merupakan active present tense. Sehingga, rumus passive simple present tense adalah

object + am/is/are + v3 + by object

Pada kalimat ketiga dan berikutnya, merupakan active modal sentence. Sehingga, rumus passive modal sentence adalah

Object + can + be + v3 + by subject.

Kata yang di dalam kurung berarti "boleh dituliskan, tetapi lebih baik tidak ditulis di dalam kalimat tersebut".

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