pertama maaf kalo jawabannya salah
Thank you very much for your attention.
aku kurang ngerti ini sebernya:
- kenapa Attention pake A gede tapi angep aja karena pilihannya ada di depan
- yang verou aku anggep very
- yo aku jadiin you
tapi penggunaan much itu memang harus dibelakangnya very
Thank you very much for your attention.
This is a few of tips to answer this question.
- If there is word 'thank' it must be followed by word 'you'. So it can be written 'thank you'.
- If there is word 'very' it must be followed by adjective. In this problem, the adjective is 'much'. So we get 'very much' phrase.
- If there is word 'your' (this is an example of possessive adjective), it must be followed by noun. In this problem, 'attention' state as a noun. So we can get 'your attention'.
So, when we arrange these words, so we can get a perfect sentence like this:
"Thank you very much for your attention."