B. Complete these sentences!

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1. Moslems go to mosque on
2. We conduct the flag ceremony once a week on……
3. Christians goes to church on
4. The last day of the school days in a week is.
5. The first day of the work days in a week is ……..yang B​

B. Complete these sentences!


  1. Moslems go to mosque on  Fridays.
  2. We conduct the flag ceremony once a week on Mondays.
  3. Christians goes to church on  Sundays.
  4. The last day of the school days in a week is Saturday.
  5. The first day of the work days in a week is Monday.


  1. Orang muslim pergi ke Masjid setiap Jumat.
  2. Kita melakukan upacara bendera sekali seminggu pada setiap hari Senin.
  3. Orang Nasrani pergi ke gereja setiap hari Minggu.
  4. Hari terakhir pada hari sekolah dalam satu minggu adalah Sabtu.
  5. Hari pertama pada hari kerja dalam satu minggu adalah Senin.