B Family activities Hello, my live in JL nama 15 a Santos Family Daily Activities Santi Purbowo 1 Juanda No za bogor I have nise Family every day y family has bo some daily ac tivities. I usually up at ve o’clock in the morning Then I help my mother bal Notaing kitchen to to Prepare our brak fast my other diligent Person she al walys PREPO ery the thing for us becore we leave home – the to buy 3 mother usually goes to Market Some Fruit regatables at 8 o’clock in morning after my brother leave home my brother to SON Pengadilan 3 Bogor ublic transportation. He leave hool at 7.30 and back it a o’clock in the the noon my father usually o the Office By train from а allway Station to his office man Jakarta. He usually nchas working at 9 di artikan bahsa indonesia​

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B Family activities Hello, my live in JL nama 15 a Santos Family Daily Activities Santi Purbowo 1 Juanda No za bogor I have nise Family every day y family has bo some daily ac tivities. I usually up at ve o’clock in the morning Then I help my mother bal Notaing kitchen to to Prepare our brak fast my other diligent Person she al walys PREPO ery the thing for us becore we leave home – the to buy 3 mother usually goes to Market Some Fruit regatables at 8 o’clock in morning after my brother leave home my brother to SON Pengadilan 3 Bogor ublic transportation. He leave hool at 7.30 and back it a o’clock in the the noon my father usually o the Office By train from а allway Station to his office man Jakarta. He usually nchas working at 9 di artikan bahsa indonesia​


B Kegiatan Keluarga Halo, saya tinggal di JL nama 15 a Keluarga Santos Kegiatan Sehari-hari Santi Purbowo 1 Juanda Tidak za bogor Saya punya Keluarga setiap hari y keluarga memiliki beberapa kegiatan sehari-hari. Saya biasanya bangun