B. Practice. Complete the following sentences with the correct words.

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1. If you want to improve your English, you should practice it. Don't be afraid of making 2. A: What should we do now? I don't know what else to do? B: Excuse me. Could I make ?. ? 3. A:Where are you going next holiday? B: Don't know yet. I haven't made 4. It's half past eight. We're running late. I think we should make now. using your cellphone? 5. Can you make an international Unit 6: The Magic of Sta

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B. Practice. Complete the following sentences with the correct words.

B. Practice. Complete the following sentences with the correct words.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


Expressions with Make:

1. If you want to improve your English, you should practice it. Don't be afraid of making MISTAKES.

2. A: What should we do now? I don't know what else to do?

B: Excuse me. Could I make A SUGGESTION?

3. A:Where are you going next holiday?

B: Don't know yet. I haven't made UP MY MIND.

4. It's half past eight. We're running late. I think we should make A MOVE now

5. Can you make an international CALL using your cellphone?


Jawaban sekaligus penjelasan adalah merupakan materi pembelajaran Expressions with Make (ekspresi dengan kata kerja make) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Ekspresi dengan kata kerja Make:

1. Jika kamu ingin meningkatkan bahasa Inggrismu, kamu harus melatihnya. Jangan takut membuat KESALAHAN.

2. A: Apa yang harus kita lakukan sekarang? Aku tidak tahu harus berbuat apalagi?

B: Permisi. Bisakah aku memberikan SARAN?

3. A: Ke mana kamu akan pergi liburan berikutnya?

B: Belum tahu. Aku belum membuat KEPUTUSAN.

4. Sekarang jam setengah delapan. Kita terlambat. Aku pikir kita harus BERANGKAT sekarang

5. Apakah bisa melakukan PANGGILAN internasional menggunakan ponselmu?

Semoga membantu ya.