Bacalah contoh announcment di bawah ini, kemudian terjemahkan dan jawab soalnya!

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We are approaching the end of our days at SMP Nusa Bangsa. Soon, we will leave the school we love very much. Let’s leave something memorable for the school and for the students in need. Do not ruin your uniforms by spraying them with paint. Do not throw away your books. Donate your books and uniforms to the seventh and eighth graders. You might never know that your books and uniforms are badly needed by some of them. Give the stuff to Mrs.Katmiati at the staff office. The school is going to distribute the stuff to the needy students. Come on pals, don’t be foolish, let’s do something useful.

Maria Hartati
Chief of Students Organization

1. Why did Mariana Hartati write the announcement?
a. To throw away their books
b. To ask her friends to remember SMP Nusa Bangsa
c. To inform their friends about leaving the school soon
d. To persuade her friends to donate their stuff to the needy

2. What should a student do if he wants to donate his uniform?
a. He should meet Marina Hartati
b. He should give them to Mrs.Katmiyati
c. He should come to the Students Organization office
d. He should distribute them to the seventh and eighth graders

3. From the text we can conclude that the nineth graders are going to……
a. Donate soon
b. Graduate soon
c. Visit Mrs.Katmiyati
d. Go to the staff office​​

Bacalah contoh announcment di bawah ini, kemudian terjemahkan dan jawab soalnya!


Terjemahan cerita singkatnya:


Hari-hari kita di SMP Nusa Bangsa mendekati akhir. Segera, kami akan meninggalkan sekolah yang sangat kami cintai. Mari tinggalkan sesuatu yang berkesan untuk sekolah dan siswa yang membutuhkan. Jangan merusak seragam Anda dengan menyemprotnya dengan cat. Jangan membuang buku Anda. Sumbangkan buku dan seragam Anda kepada siswa kelas tujuh dan delapan. Anda mungkin tidak pernah tahu bahwa buku dan seragam Anda sangat dibutuhkan oleh beberapa dari mereka. Berikan barang-barang itu kepada Bu Katmiati di kantor staf. Sekolah akan membagikan barang-barang itu kepada siswa yang membutuhkan. Ayo teman, jangan bodoh, ayo lakukan sesuatu yang bermanfaat.

Maria Hartati

Ketua Organisasi Kemahasiswaan

1. Why did Mariana Hartati write the announcement?

jawaban: b. To ask her friends to remember SMP Nusa Bangsa

2. What should a student do if he wants to donate his uniform?

jawaban: b. He should come to the Students Organization office

3. From the text we can conclude that the nineth graders are going to……

jawaban: b. Graduate soon

Mungkin begini jawabannya kak semoga membantu ya:), dan maaf kalo ada yang salah…