Bahasa Indonesia nya soal dibawah ini 1.) My mother usually buy a kilo of fish from market 2.) The teacher always explains the lesson clearly 3.) The play fotball in the field every afternon 4.) We often go to the beach on holiday 5.) You always come late to school 6.) My sister always gets up at s .o’ clock every morning

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Bahasa Indonesia nya soal dibawah ini 1.) My mother usually buy a kilo of fish from market 2.) The teacher always explains the lesson clearly 3.) The play fotball in the field every afternon 4.) We often go to the beach on holiday 5.) You always come late to school 6.) My sister always gets up at s .o’ clock every morning

1) Ibuku biasanya membeli satu kilo ikan dari pasar

2) guru itu selalu menjelaskan pelajarannya dengan jelas

3) mereka bermain sepak bola di lapangan setiap sore

4) kami sering pergi ke pantai ketika liburan

5) kamu selalu datang terlambat ke sekolah

6) saudara perempuan ku selalu bangun jam 5 setiap pagi